Another RTCW Wish Granted

Imogen, “Immy” is 10 years old. She lives with her parents Clodagh and Matt in Norwich. She has 2 siblings, Max,12, and Iris, 8.

Immy has Cystic Fibrosis. The physio to keep her lungs clear is intense but exercise really helps with this. She enjoys cheerleading and has also taken up cross country running, and parks runs and enjoys the challenge of her sporting activities. They help to take the focus off her treatment and physio. Cystic Fibrosis can make Immy feel isolated as she needs to be careful which children she mixes with. Immy is a young lady of many talents and dreams of owning her own bakery one day. 

Immy is a very nurturing and supportive child in school and was chosen as a young interpreter at school. She supports children that may struggle with English as their first language or to communicate due to SEND and wears her special badge with pride. The family must prioritise Immy and everything they do has to revolve around her health.

Immy’s wish was to have her own trampoline. Not only would this help with her fitness/physio for her lungs it will help with practicing her back flips, kickovers etc for her cheerleading training and advancements, and no doubt be great fun with her siblings.

It was with huge pleasure that we were able to make this happen for Immy. The family had prepared the area so upon delivery our very kind supporter, Norwich Castle Knights 41 Club member, Karl Sandall, his sons, and friend, along with Dad, Matt, set to work. This was a big build and took several hours but with all hands-on deck everything was ready for Immy.

We think the photos say it all, the hard work, and the absolute joy of Immy and her siblings.

We would like to express a huge thank you to Karl, his sons, Jack, James, and friend, John Chambers, for all their hard work and supporting RTCW in making this wonderful wish come true. 

“It was hard work but very much appreciated by the family, they are a lovely family and so pleased with this help, medically as well as the pleasure it will give. A very rewarding afternoon and evening”  – Karl – 

Also thank you to Matt, Clodagh, Immy, Max and Iris for being so hands on with the wish. We know the children, and of course Mum and Dad, will have hours of fun.